MENUCLOSE MENU Conference HomeVenueSpeakersSponsorshipAgendaMEET mAIslowRegister to Attend Register to Attend 2024 Conference Booking Form Two-day Tickets Two-day Ticket and BBQ - Member. £400.00 + VAT Sub total Discount 1 | £40 Two-day Ticket and BBQ - Non Member. £500.00 + VAT Sub total Discount 2 | £50 Thursday One-Day Ticket (including BBQ) - Member. £260.00 + VAT Sub total Discount 3 | £26 One-Day Ticket (including BBQ) - Non - Member. £360.00 + VAT Sub total Discount 4 | £36 One-Day Ticket (without BBQ) - Member. £220.00 + VAT Sub total Discount 4b | £22 BBQ Only Ticket - £49 + VAT Sub total Friday One-Day Ticket (without BBQ) - Member. £220.00+ VAT Sub total Discount 5 | £22 One Day Ticket (without BBQ) - Non-Member. £320.00 Sub total Discount 6 | £32 BBQ Only Ticket - £49.00 + VAT Sub total Biz Psych Cup Student These prices are only available for students currently taking part in the Biz Psych Cup. 1 Day Ticket (Thursday) - £99.00 Sub total 1 Day Ticket (Friday) - £99.00 Sub total Student 1 Day Ticket (Thursday) - £125.00 Sub total 1 Day Ticket (Friday) - £125.00 Sub total Discount 7 | £9.90 Your Order Ticket Quantity tickets Student Quantity tickets If you have a discount code, enter hit here and click 'apply' Apply I was referred by: * 2 Day ticket + Membership (£300) -£ 10% Off One ticket BIZPSYCHCUPCONF2024 | 20.8% Off One ticket -£ Order total Discount amount Sub total + VAT Total Billing Details First name * Last name * Organisation * Job title * Email * Phone number Address Address Address Address City City County County Postcode Postcode Additional Information Do you have any dietary or accessibility requirements? How did you hear about the ABP Conference? ABP delegates and sponsors would like to communicate with conference attendees during and after the event. They would like to have your: name, company and job title. Details sharing If you are willing to share these, please check this box. Terms check * Check this box to confirm you have read and agree to the Conference Terms and Conditions. Payment Total due Payment Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Sponsors Silver SponsorSilver SponsorSilver SponsorSilver SponsorSilver SponsorSilver SponsorSilver SponsorSilver SponsorDrinks Reception Sponsor and BBQ