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The Association for Business Psychology’s Annual Awards stands as a beacon of recognition for those who harness the power of psychology to drive positive change in workplaces. These awards not only celebrate achievements but also highlight the profound impact that Business Psychology has on enhancing organisational performance and employee well-being. From addressing workplace challenges to fostering innovation, the ABP Awards showcase exemplary practices that elevate the standards of the industry.

The 2024 Awards are especially to be supported as this marks the ABP’s tenth year of celebrating excellence in Business Psychology.

Who Can Enter?

Inclusivity is one of the ABP’s founding values and this is reflected in the ABP Awards! Practitioners and academics alike are invited to submit their work, irrespective of their affiliation with the ABP or their professional background. Whether you’re a seasoned psychologist or a business professional who has applied psychological principles to overcome workplace challenges and grasp opportunities, these awards provide a platform to share your success story.

Why Submit an Entry?

Entering the ABP Awards is more than just vying for recognition; it’s about aligning your brand with excellence and showcasing your commitment to advancing the field of Business Psychology. From gaining exposure to industry leaders, to earning the coveted Award for your achievements, the benefits are manifold. Moreover, being part of the Awards programme allows you to contribute to setting standards for best practices while fostering innovation within your team.

Important Dates

Mark your calendar! The submission window opens on Monday, 20th May and closes on Friday, 26th July. Judging commences shortly after, with finalists announced on Monday, 2nd September. The programme culminates at the Awards Gala Dinner in November, where winners will be unveiled and celebrated.

Awards Categories

The ABP Awards programme encompasses a diverse range of categories, each tailored to recognise excellence in specific domains of Business Psychology. Whether it’s enhancing organizational effectiveness or promoting workplace well-being, there’s a category for every endeavour that has utilised psychological insights to drive meaningful change. Visit the ABP website to learn more.

Assessment Criteria

Entries are evaluated based on the rigorous application of Business Psychology principles, as well as adherence to the ABP’s unified standards framework for best practices. Judges evaluate each submission’s diagnosis, advice, design, implementation, and evaluation processes to ensure that the highest standards are applied.

How to Enter

Preparing a winning submission requires attention to detail and clarity of purpose. From articulating the challenge you faced to showcasing the outcomes of your intervention, every aspect of your submission should reflect the value and relevance of business psychology at work. Remember, storytelling can be a powerful tool to capture the judges’ attention and demonstrate the real-world impact of your work.

Can You Enter? Yes You Can!

The ABP Annual Awards are more than just accolades; they symbolise a commitment to excellence and innovation in the realm of Business Psychology. As we celebrate our tenth year of groundbreaking achievements, get involved to recognise and celebrate those who are shaping the future of work through the transformative power of psychology.

Get ready to showcase your success and be part of this prestigious event that celebrates the very best in Business Psychology.

Still have questions? Please visit the Awards website pages for more information.

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