ABP Code Of Conduct and professional practice, ethics continuing professional development.
1. Members shall so conduct themselves as to:
1. i) maintain personal and professional integrity;
2. ii) honour the trust placed in them by clients, colleagues and society;
3. iii) respect the psychological and physical well-being of colleagues, clients and others
they work with;
4. iv) not seek nor cause the exploitation, abuse or embarrassment of a client;
5. v) operate on the basis of informed consent in dealing with those they work with;
6. vi) exercise the values of honesty, loyalty, objectivity, confidentiality and fairness;
7. vii) avoid misuse of any authority they may have;
8. viii) achieve, maintain and demonstrate high levels of professional competence,
knowledge and skill;
9. ix) deliver the same standard of service whether it be paid or voluntary;
10. x) make no false claim regarding their capabilities, competence or qualifications;
11. xi) encourage and assist others to develop their potential;
12. xii) use their best endeavours to honour promptly all undertakings;
13. xiii) maintain a dialogue with any clients about the relevance, utility and value of any
service to their needs.
2. Members of the ABP should:
1. i) keep adequate records for practice of the profession;
2. ii) ensure conformity with the Data Protection Act 2018;
3. iii) have proper regard to the legal obligations upon them;
4. iv) contribute to the development of the ABP in achieving its aims.
5. v) not undermine the reputation of fellow business psychologists;
6. vi) declare any personal matters which would lead to a conflict of interests in pursuing
their duties;
7. vii) maintain clear practices of review and evaluation;
8. viii) ensure that they are covered by appropriate professional indemnity insurance;
9. ix) identify and resolve any issues arising in their professional practice that could bring
themselves or the ABP into disrepute;
10. x) promote the good standing of the ABP through their actions, and seek to actively
contribute to its development and growth;
11. xi) maintain quality and timeliness in their professional practice.
12. xii) make clear in advance their terms of business;
13. xiii) not state or imply in marketing or personal communication that their services are
validated by the ABP beyond the scope of their individual professional membership of the ABP;
3. Members of the ABP should:
1. i) continue to develop their knowledge, skills and competences to the benefit of
themselves, their clients and the discipline of business psychology;
2. ii) seek peer supervision, dialogue and review as their practice evolves in order to develop
new skills with appropriate support;
3. iii) be willing to offer supervision, dialogue and review to other members of the ABP;
4. iv) maintain such records of their continuing professional development activities as will
enable annual self-review;
5. v) obtain and maintain appropriate professional qualifications.
The Code of Conduct
4. Members of the ABP shall:
1. i) act within the spirit of this Code and in cases of doubt seek clarification and guidance
from peers or from the ABP Board.
2. ii) provide information to the ABP Board on request to inform the investigation of any
alleged breach of this Code.