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Prof Jonathan Passmore

Jonathan is an internationally respected psychologist, based at Henley Business School and EZRA, where he is Senior Vice President. Prior to this he has worked at PWC, IBM and OPM. He has published widely with 100 + peer review papers, 40+ books and 150 book chapters. He continues to research and write, with four titles scheduled for release this year: ‘Becoming a Team Coach: The Essential ICF Guide”(Springer 2024)  , “The Health and Wellbeing Coaches’ Handbook” (Routledge, 2024, “Becoming a Credential ICF Coach: Insights from Master Coaches on ACC, PCC and MCC standards” and just released in June 2024 “The Digital & AI Coaches’ Handbook” (Routledge, 2024). He has two teenage girls and keeps bees.

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