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May Virtual Speaker Event with Richard Chataway, BVA Nudge Unit UK

Applying Behavioural Science for Business Success Speaker: Richard Chataway, Vice President, BVA Nudge Unit UK and ABP Board Member   Session outline Our experiences over the last 15 years have shown that success in business is determined by how strategy moulds and at the same time adapts to behaviour. The pace of change has forced…

Culture Shift: Identifying and Delivering Employee Led Best Practice with Sarah Clarke, Director, Occupational Mind Group

Culture Shift: Identifying and Delivering Employee Led Best Practice Speaker: Sarah Clarke, Director, Occupational Mind Group   Session outline Cultural shift in organisations is driven by qualitative rather than quantitative approaches? Or is it?   Sarah Clarke has taken a different approach in her work. Along with a rigorous, evidence-based approach, which includes the use…

Branding your career: SatNav for Life? with Richard Ferguson

Branding your career: SatNav for Life? Speaker: Richard Ferguson, Kili Consulting   Most of us think about the brand of the organisations which we work for.   However, how many of us if we were honest with ourselves do any serious work on our own personal brands? We have all written CVs: however, have we thought…

A Careers Event – developing your career in Business Psychology

Speakers: The Committee of the Manchester Branch of ABP and others Date: Wednesday March 17th 2021   Join us for another session discussing careers in psychology.  This has now become an annual event and we shall introduce again different aspects of work in business psychology where we add value to the task of improving the…

Humanising the world of work: why positive psychology is critical

University of Westminster 35, Marylebone Rd,, London, United Kingdom

Welcome to a fully interactive, creative and inspiring learning experience with Alex Bailey – pioneer of positive psychology – and Global CEO of Bailey & French. Alex will share her insights from applying positive psychology into learning solutions for some of the largest organisations in the world, with learners from 154 countries. Alex has led…

Free – £18.00

Hybrid Working and the Future Workplace

Summary: COVID-19 changed where we work. Hybrid working (working from multiple workspaces e.g., office, client sites, home, third spaces) has become mainstream. This work arrangement is preferred by office-based employees in the UK and across the EU (e.g., Davis et al., 2022; Eurostat, 2022). In this session Matthew discusses the knowledge gap that this shift…

Free – £18.00

How organisations, allies, and leaders can support senior women when ‘think manager think male’ still exists: Research examining women leaders’ experiences

Speaker: Laura Howard, Founder and Psychologist at The Contented Workplace Company and Associate Tutor at Birkbeck College, University of London.   Summary: The number of women in top positions is not increasing quickly enough to swiftly address gender parity. One possible reason is that ‘think manager think male’ remains prevalent. Women, therefore, face a double…

Free – £18.00
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